Nov 12, 2022

Is peanut oil a seed oil?

Avoiding seed oils has become all the rage, is peanut oil a safe option for cooking and consumption?

Yes, peanut oil is a seed oil.

Peanut oil is a seed oil in that it is pressed from a nut or seed and is high in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). However, it is generally regarded as a less harmful seed oil, as gently pressed and unrefined peanut oils may still contain sufficient antioxidants such as vitamin E.

Peanut oil's smoke point varies from 350°F-450°F depending on how it is extracted and refined.

Avoid restaurants that cook with peanut oil on Seed Oil Scout

Seed Oil Scout is full of detailed user reported cooking oils from restaurants all over the country and is moderated for accuracy. Give it a download and find some 5 star, seed oil free establishments near you! Download here